Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Local: The Book Thing of Baltimore

My husband and I agree that one of the best things in Baltimore, is the Book Thing. The Book Thing is a free bookstore that is open only on weekends and is within walking distance from our apartment. There are no catches- you can just walk in, peruse the aisles, and walk out, happy as a clam, with an armful of books. They of course, also take book donations and have a book dropoff outside their door for days that they are not open. They have three rooms of nothing but books, all for the taking! I often take out-of-towners there who enjoy reading.

At the Book Thing, I have found such treasures as National Geographic magazines from the 1940s  to a ton of Patricia Cornwell novels (which I love to read).

However, what I flock to first, upon entering, is their ‘Cooking’ section. Since the books are free, the variety of books they have changes frequently. (I have been known to not pick up a book then later decide that I do actually want it then proceed to go back the day I saw it or the next day and it would be gone. Generally, this results in me kicking myself for having possibly missed out on good recipes!)

Some days are better than others for cookbooks at the Book Thing. Every once in awhile, I’ve gone in and found nothing but microwave cooking cookbooks- a fad that never really caught on.

But some of my good cookbook finds are as follows: two 1970s Betty Crocker Cookbooks, Christmas Cookies, four Bon Appetite recipe collections, a fondue cookbook, salads and dressings, and a neat 2-in-1 Quiche and Soufflé Cookbook from 1972 (one of those cookbooks where the front is all quiche recipes then you flip it over and the back contains the soufflé recipes).

If you are in the Baltimore area, definitely check it out and pick up some free cookbooks (or any other type of book you might desire!):

3001 Vineyard Lane
Baltimore, MD 21218

Hour of Operation: 9am-6pm Saturday and Sunday only